
Happy Birthday Present

     It's official.  I'm in the Nike Women's Half Marathon.  Besides being a fantastic race with a really cool finisher necklace from Tiffany...this year it's on my birthday!  This has got to be the best birthday present ever. Usually, I'm not one to look forward to birthdays but now I have a great reason to be excited.  
     I'm in SoCal this weekend for a conference.  I know there won't be an opportunity for a long run, so I managed to do 5 miles on the treadmill in the hotel fitness center.  I don't think I have ever sweated so much.  I tried doing the walk run intervals but those don't work so well on the treadmill so I ended up just keeping the thing at a pace that I could easily jog or briskly walk.  As much as I was bored out of mind, it is nice to know that I can tolerate 1 hour and 15 minutes on the treadmill.  Who knew?