
Warm-Up Run

Tomorrow is Half Marathon #10 for me.  I met up with folks this morning to run and did a 4 mile warm-up run.  I was just planning to walk but got talked into doing 1 minute of running with 3 minutes of walking.  I had decided since I was having so many issues with my calf, maybe it was time for new shoes.  Just got them in the mail and it provided a chance to try them out.  It was also an opportunity to try running in shorts.  It is supposed to be quite warm tomorrow so I really want to wear shorts but it has been a REALLY long time since I've run in shorts.  Not sure how my skin would handle it.  I loaded up on the Body Glide and it wasn't too bad.  I think I'm going to try the shorts tomorrow.  The best part was that the run was entirely pain free!  No tightness or aches whatsoever.  Yeah for new shoes!  It is such a wonderful experience to be able to meet up with friends on a Saturday morning and run 4 miles like it's no big deal even the day before a big race.  It's such a nice change of pace.

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